Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Draft that got interupeted

Original Post
12-13 to 1-14

Its Sunday morning in our home, which doesn’t mean much to us. Nothing is different other than we pick who gets the tv when for football! LOL
Gram has been in a bad mood for days. We started the week with her letting me hold onto her nerve pills because she is taking too many and they are causing her to be loopy and to talk to her about it is impossible!!!! She has a reason for EVERYTHING even when the reason makes ZERO sense! The VERY next day she has a serious anxiety attack. Throwing up and freaking out to the point she had me call and ambulance because she was having a heart attack. Which she wasn’t!

 She had an anxiety attack because she couldn't see the pill bottle anymore. She is totally dependent  on them even tho I have tons of articles stating that they are making her memory issues worse. She doesn't seem to care and the doc thinks its okay since its a mild sedative. SHE TAKES THEM THE MOMENT she wakes up! HELLO! 

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